Finally they determined it was my friend, and they made him take the W2-G, which was fine.
Well, they didn't believe the answer we gave (I forgot which of us said we did it) and made us wait 25 minutes while they checked the camera. When it hit, they came over and asked which one of us pressed it. Some odd things did happen there, however.ġ) I hit a 'jackpot' (just a hair over 1200), but one of my friends and I were alternately pressing the buttons just for fun. No one ever used my card or ran my play except for me. Later, two more people I knew showed up, got cards, and ran some play. I was with two other people, who also used their cards (one of whom already had one). In November, I showed up for a play there.
My latest 86ing was from Table Mountain Casino in Friant, CA, which is located approximately between Fresno and Yosemite National Park. After going more than a decade without so much as a backoff, I've been outright 86'd from two places in the past 9 months.